Shortcut Keys :
CTRL+R ===> Hide the query results window
SHIFT+ALT+ENTER ===> Expand the query window
ALT+F1 ===> Sp_Help
CTRL+1 ===> Sp_who
CTRL+2 ===> Sp_lock
CTRL+U ===> Changing the Database.
CTRL+SHIFT+L ===> Chnaging the code case to Lower
CTRL+SHIFT+U ===> Chnaging the code case to Upper
CTRL+K followed by CTRL+C ===> Commenting the selected Code
CTRL+K followed by CTRL+U ===> Uncommenting the selected Code
CTRL+K followed by CTRL+K ===> To set the bookmark on the line.
CTRL+K followed by CTRL+N ===> To goto the next bookmarked line in the code.
CTRL+K followed by CTRL+P ===> To goto the Previous bookmarked line in the code.
CTRL+K followed by CTRL+L ===> To clear all bookmarks in the code. (Note : It will ask you for confirmation to clear all the bookmarks, if you click yes then only it will clear all the bookmarks)
CTRL+K followed by CTRL+W ===> To manage all the bookmarks in a query window.
CTRL+F ===> To find a spefic keyword.
CTRL+H ===> To replace a spefic keyword with mentioned keyword.
CTRL+G ===> To go to a spefic Line.
CTRL+N ===> To Open a New Query window.
CTRL+O ===> To open a File.
CTRL+TAB ===> To Switch to other query window.
F8 ===> Object Explorer
CTRL+ALT+T ===> Template Explorer
CTRL+ALT+L ===> Solution Explorer
F4 ===> Properties window
CTRL+ALT+G ===> Registered Servers explorer
CTRL+T (before executing the script) ===> To dosplay the results as Text format.
CTRL+D (before executing the script) ===> To display the results in GRID format.
CTRL+SHIFT+F (before executing the script) ===> To get the results in File format.
CTRL+L ===> To display the Query Execution Plan.
CTRL+M ===> To get the query Actual execution plan with query results.
SHIFT+ALT+S ===> To include client statistics.
Reference : MSDN_SK